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Voter Information: Absentee Voting

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Absentee Voting by Mail

To vote by mail, a separate application must be submitted for each election that a voter wishes to vote by mail. The application must be received by the board of elections by close of business day the Tuesday prior to Election Day. Download the Absentee Application, complete it, and return it to our office. Steps to request and vote an absentee ballot


In-Person Absentee Voting

In-person absentee voting begins the day after the close of voter registration before each election. Voters may choose to vote in-person at our Vote Center, located in our Board of Elections office. In-person absentee voting ends at the close of business day the Sunday before Election Day.


Voters with Disabilities

Certain individuals with a personal illness, physical disability, or infirmity may be eligible to have a provisional ballot delivered to them. Please check the Ohio Secretary of State’s Information Guide for details.

Election Day Voting

Use our Ballot Viewer to see your sample ballot. Please note, all voting on Election Day takes place at the polling locations.


Provisional Voting
For detailed information on provisional voting, please review the Ohio Secretary of State’s Guidelines.


Military and Overseas Voting

Forms and additional information on absentee voting for military and overseas voters are available at the Federal Voting Assistance Program. When the board of elections issues your ballot, it will provide you with information on how to track the status of your ballot in the Centralized Ballot Tracking System.